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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Fugitive billionaire brothers from Libya speaks good Tatanaky: Brotherhood vandalized Libya and tried to assassinate me

Fugitive billionaire brothers from Libya speaks good Tatanaky: Brotherhood vandalized Libya and tried to assassinate meI ask the honorable Libyans face a new revolution to restore Libya Orient- National Libyan rebels gather around and pinning their hopes on- Brotherhood and al-Qaeda blew up the Home and fallopian «Libya first» fighting Islam and CentralStruggler Libyan great, Political months, Hassan Salahuddin Tata Naki, opens cabinets secrets in the dialogue we have had with him over the phone, and confirms that the wealth of Libya is extremely huge, and that the Libyan people should enjoy these riches, to live a decent life worthy of this great people, and calls for national Libyan revolution, a new re-face Libya Orient, talking about his projects industrial Egypt and its relations with senior shreds, and highlights that it caused in the alleviation of unemployment in the «mother of the world», and finds that «brothers» and «Al-Qaeda» to the demise of Libya, as happened in the Egypt, and criticizes the dominance Brotherhood on all aspects of the Libyan state, and requires them to go to enjoy the Libyan people riches, and remembers how torpedo Brotherhood house in Libya and his satellite channel «Libya first», and they are still Anasabonh hostility, and stretched their wars to the social networking site «Facebook», and is So from the coffers of his secrets in this dialogue ..

In the beginning, expressed Tata Naki deep sorrow to the outgrowth of the situation in Libya, devastation and destruction and fighting, he says, all disasters that occurred in Libya caused Brotherhood terrorist and «Al-Qaeda», and gave the image of a very bad about Islam in front of the world, Islamic religion a religion of love and mercy, tolerance and Humane everyone even plants and animals, but the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda have taken of political Islam a ride to destroy the state and a state alleged, and were able to fool many slogans false, with that Islam is a religion is very clear and does not need to like them, they are spreading the weapons in the hands of everyone and spread them culture of killing opponents, Vzbbwa in fighting Libyan Interior, was divided tribes which were coherent too because of them, and we see the welcome everyone Guest and curious and honoring, but now Within the same family fighting each members, and blood was shed Libyan hands of Libyan, and this is a disaster, with that Islam unites not differentiate, and ordered the administration of justice and charity kin and the orphans and the needy and the wayfarer, but the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Qaeda cut off limbs of family, clan, tribe, until we found a split in the Tnahra within a family.He adds Hassan Tata Naki: I was working in my country Libya with Al Qathafi's projects, oil refineries, and I own oil wells pumped-being of the Libyan people, then the revolution broke out Vtbdlt conditions by 180 degrees, the Libyan people live in Raghad, very decent living, Vtbdlt conditions, stop pumping oil, and oil projects many stopped working, and left many of their jobs, and rising commodity prices are exasperating to the scarcity of commodities markets, and the spread of looting, so the Brotherhood looted Libyan oil, Hot broad segments of the Libyan people in the abyss of poverty and deprivation, even life returned two hundred years back, and should return the wealth to the people of Libya until Libya back to vitality and come back and face the bright again.So I call on national Libyan honorable and crowds of revolutionaries new revolution toppled the Brotherhood and Al Qaeda from the rule of Libya, similar to what happened in Egypt, has ruled for a period of one year had caused the havoc in Egypt, were lying as breathing, and increased the crises of life to an unprecedented degree, railed people Egyptian them tremendous revolution, and uprooted from power Aqtlaa, it was silent Brotherhood liars, Vastahedvo army and police forces in collaboration with Al-Qaeda, and this is the biggest proof of their betrayal of their religion and their homeland Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda enemies of religion and civilization and humanity, do not know the meaning of the word homeland, seeking to establish the Khilafah alleged , and in the way that shedding the blood of innocent women and children, this habit in countries that had controlled, including the beloved Libya.The towing words Hassan Tata Naki heartbreak and pain, bleeding soul of the suffering of the people of Libya, says: We have to blow up the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda Home, channel «Libya first», which created love in M. walked the Libyans, and declared war on my investments projects of oil and refining and extraction, and my heart, I appeal to the masses of the Libyan people Sharif reject the injustice and humiliation and shame, revolution on the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood brutal and grip, Ki stop bloodshed Libyan, Enough infighting and humiliation and oppress the slaves, the Libyan people deserve to live with dignity and pride and should enjoy the riches and the good of his country, and by virtue of the march of history, the Brotherhood and al-Qaeda to the demise, I have uttered the Merciful Quran is recited in the Day of Resurrection: «As for butter goes staleness As for what benefit people in Vimkt Earth».And almost cried, he says: He killed 17 breaths in Benghazi did not move one of the Government of the Muslim Brotherhood to investigate the causes of the killing of these brothers, and am sure that the killing of al-Ikhwan al-Qaeda and must dismiss the government Brotherhood immediately because of their crimes continued and looting the country's wealth and property of the people, the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda organizations terrorist, and how it recognizes the Libyan people's government Brotherhood they kill children and the elderly and women, has disappeared security and safety of the street Libyan completely, and Ibrahim Gibran loot Libyan oil, which is the property of the people, has also been smuggling billions of dollars worth of food for the people of Libya to the outside, and the pitiful really is spread terrorism in the tuber and the worsening in an unprecedented way, and should be on the defense minister Libyan resign immediately, as there is no army Libby Nizami capable of protecting the country's borders and maintain security and stability, and major disaster is inadvertently Brotherhood that America motivated and exploit them to spread death and destruction in Libya, and participate America Several Western powers, and if the government Brotherhood Libyan learn Such a disaster, and were not learning Valmuseibh greatest.Blood and the lives of the Libyan citizen is priceless, but the Muslim Brotherhood and al-Qaeda shed the blood of Libyans and Ozhqgua their lives, nor the value of the Libyan citizens in the eyes of the Muslim Brotherhood, and in order to tighten their grip on Libya has been Ojuna top jobs in all sectors of the state, and spread to the Muslim Brotherhood in all joints of Libya, at a time who is the Muslim Brotherhood to kill their opponents and threatening to kill others just to honorable patriots love their country and their homeland Libya, and seen everyone crowded hospital to the wounded and injured Libyans honest, I've been targeted by the Muslim Brotherhood.And still the words of Hassan Salahuddin Tata Naki bleed pain, he says: illogical proliferation of armed militias across Libya, forces «Shield Libya» should disappear completely until the return of security and safety to the streets of Libya, and members of the government, the Brotherhood and the National Congress of manipulating wealth, security and stability Libya, the government Brotherhood received dead on demonstrations, and personal interests are of runs things in the country, and for this reason no deal financially in any project in Libya after the revolution until now, but I'm in the service of Libya from any platform and any location and from any place, Libya apply in dolls.Political and fighter Hassan Tata Naki continue his dialogue, saying it is necessary to prosecute former officials and current on the crimes committed and perpetrated against the Libyan people, and must apply the standards of integrity and transparency to everyone, and I am optimistic about the future of Libya, will be the new revolution involving national Libyans pure, to displace the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood and send them out of Libya, never to return, and will consist of a new government from the rebels true, to assume command of the country with integrity and transparency, then will improve the situation in Libya lot and back security and safety to the streets of Libya, and thus return good for Libya and its riches to the Libyans, and back judge excluded to work , because they are servants of justice and the security and stability of the valve Libya, and the system will stop looting completely, so I call on the Libyan people authentic revolution ousted a second Brotherhood and al-Qaeda, the Egyptians did it and we are involved in their tracks.He declared Brotherhood war against me, destroying Home, channel «Libya first» and I am trying to spread Islam Central has established channel «Azhari» has fought the Brotherhood as well, and finally declared war on through the social networking site «Facebook», and as soon as Tdchinam page to attack, income on this page more than five thousand within hours, and many people supported me, and of course, many exhibitors, across this page.And his relations with senior officials in Egypt, says Hassan Salahuddin Tata Naki: Egypt is my second, Lee investments where, factories employs about three thousand workers, in the Tenth of Ramadan and others, like the M. walked Egyptians too, has helped to extend the victims of the floods in Upper funds and provided 60 furnished apartment ownership to those who fell in their homes and Duwaiqa Manshyet Nasser, poor ÇÍČÇČí, I love them in God, and Epkiny view small child looks like the effects of poverty, so help me God's care, many of them in my second Egypt.
He adds: and my relationships with senior officials in Egypt extended many years ago, led by former President Hosni Mubarak and Mrs. Suzanne and Gamal Mubarak, and also I was associated strong friendship Palmhir Abu-Ghazaleh and Atef Sedki and Atef Ebeid and Kamal Ganzouri, and will not be interrupted my relationships to the people and officials of my second Egypt.

Read the original Arabic post here :

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