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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Libya approves overdue budget as eastern oil port reopens

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - Libya's parliament approved the overdue 2014 budget worth $47 billion on Sunday, drawing on reserves to offset a dramatic loss of oil revenue after almost a year of protests at major ports.
The North African country is in turmoil as the government struggles to control militias who helped oust Muammar Gaddafi in 2011 but now defy the state and seize oil facilities at will.

Almost a year of protests at the oilfields and ports have reduced oil output to a fraction to the 1.4 million bpd it was in July when the strikes started. Parliamentary spokesman Omar Hmeidan said lawmakers approved the 56.5 billion Libyan dinars ($47 billion) budget submitted by the government in January.
They delay had been caused by lawmakers trying to trim spending. However, cutting the budget is difficult because more than half of it goes on subsidies and salaries for a greatly overstaffed and inefficient public service, a legacy of Gaddafi who put most adults on the payroll to discourage opposition.
The government put pressure on lawmakers to approve the budget by saying last week it would start using it after the legal limit for debate had been exhausted. read more

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